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How to Start Sunflower Seeds Indoors

No garden flower brings beauty to the garden as the sunflower. Whether it’s a single stalk growing in the corner of the garden, or a whole field planting, sunflowers always attract our attention.

N(caps)o garden flower brings beauty to the garden as the sunflower. Whether it’s a single stalk growing in the corner of the garden, or a whole field planting, sunflowers always attract our attention. Knowing when to start, and how to start sunflower seeds indoors, is important. Most of the seed package tell us, for how to plant sunflower seeds sowing directly into the ground after all danger of frost is past and that’s true if you live in an area where your growing season is long enough, but if your season is short, you may not have enough time for an outdoor planting. As sunflowers take from 70 to 90 days to mature, so you will probably want to get a jump on the season by starting sunflowers indoors about three weeks before the last frost date.

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Sunflowers are low maintenance, fast-growing plant, and so beautiful.

Sunflowers are a low maintenance, fast-growing plant, and so beautiful. Keep reading, and I’ll guide you step by step how to start this incredible, edible flower from seeds indoors, with simple tips!

Sunflower seeds tend to last about 2 to 3 years, and germination rates will naturally decrease with each passing year, and if i have good germination rate it's because year after year i harvest my own seeds!

First choose your variety carefully as some sunflowers will grow 50 cm, while others grow over 3 m. There are many varieties of sunflowers available today, so there’s always one that fits your garden. You can choose between those with branching stems or single stems, or that produce ample pollen for pollinators or are pollen-free, or those that stay small or tower above the rest of the garden, or maybe those that produce edible seeds!
You can choose your favorite sunflower varieties to grow from ➡️ HERE!

sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds tend to last about 2 to 3 years, and germination rates will naturally decrease with each passing year, and if I have good germination rate it's because year after year I harvest my own seeds!
Once you’ve chosen your sunflower seeds for planting, begin by pre sprouting the seeds. I always use this method, Pre-sprouting seeds for surer germination!

sprouted sunflower seeds

How to Germinate Sunflower Seeds

The best way to germinate sunflower seeds is to put them in a cup of water, and I recommended that you only soak the seeds for 24 hours and no more than 48 hours. Too much soaking in water and the seeds will drown!

  • Place your sunflower seeds in a quart jar. Fill with water, cover with a sprouting screen.
  • Soak overnight.
  • Drain all the water off the seeds.
  • Invert the jar over a bowl, so that your seeds will drain.
  • After draining, rinse and drain again well.
  • Space seeds widely on a moist paper towel in a covered plastic container.
  • Check the seeds daily. Sunflower seeds should germinate within a week if kept moist at temperatures of 70° to 95 °F.
  • As soon as the root emerges, you can plant in small pots indoors, or directly outdoors.  
  • Use much care when handling these tiny, delicate roots. 
  • If some roots have grown into the paper towel, just tear it carefully and plant the germinated seed with paper towel attached, there is no problem!
 If some roots have grown into the paper towel, just tear it carefully and plant the germinated seed with paper towel attached there is no problem!

As sunflower seed sprouts do not keep well. You must plant them immediately!

sunflower sprouted seeds

How to Plant Sprouted Sunflower Seeds

  • Fill individual pots with a good quality of potting soil mix. Or, you can make your own mix by combining 1-part peat moss and 1-part compost with 1-part vermiculite.
  • Plant the seeds once they sprout roots.
  • Plant two sprouted seeds in the center of each pot and cover with 1 inch of potting soil.
  • Position the seed with its rooted end in the soil and its tip barely outside the soil.
  • Water gently the soil until it is evenly moist throughout.
  • Place in a warm, sunny window.
  • Keep the seeds cool and moist for 10 to 14 days.
  • Your new sunflower seedlings will appear approximately in 14 days.

Thinning Seedlings

The practice of thinning seedlings is to give them plenty of growing room so that they can receive all the proper growth requirements such moisture, nutrients, and light. Without having to compete with other seedlings. 

The practice of thinning seedlings is to give them plenty of growing room so that they can receive all the proper growth requirements such moisture, nutrients, and light. Without having to compete with other seedlings.

  • When the first true leaves appear, thin the plants to 1 to prevent competition between plants.
When the first true leaves appear, thin the plants to 1 to prevent competition between plants.

  • The remaining plant will have room to develop properly, without having roots disturbed.

Remember that thinning seedlings is important in order to grow strong and healthy plants.

  • Remember that thinning seedlings is important in order to grow strong and healthy plants.

Watch How to Thin Sunflower Seedlings Video

Sunflower Seedlings Care

  • Check the soil daily, and if the soil feels dry, add water, because sunflower seedlings needs moderate amounts of water until being transplanted in the garden.
  • Fertilize the seedlings once a week using organic fertilizer.

Hardening off Sunflower Seedlings

In order to give your new plants the best chance of success it is best to ‘harden them off’ prior to leaving them outside full time.

In order to give your new plants the best chance of success, it is best to ‘harden them off’ prior to leaving them outside full time. About 7 days before planting your cucumber plants outdoors, help acclimate them to temperatures, sunlight, and wind. This is the process of hardening off, or gradually acclimating your new plants to outdoor conditions. With proper hardening off, they’ll have an easier transition to the garden and begin producing sooner.

Sunflowers grow taproots, and they can become stunted if they’re started indoors too early.  So be very careful in handling the seedling when starting them indoors. Damaging the taproot means that your sunflower may never thrive!

By now, you have a good idea on how to start sunflower seeds indoors. I hope you found this article helpful. Please share it with your friends who can use the information.  If you have any questions about how to start sunflower seeds indoors, and sunflower seed germination, please leave a comment below.

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Happy Gardening!

You can choose your favorite Sunflower varieties to grow from ➡️ HERE!

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