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How To Grow and Care For Arabian Jasmine


With their gorgeous, complex fragrance and delicate blossoms, Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) is a beautiful and fragrant flowering plant that is popular for its sweet-scented white flowers.

W(caps)ith their gorgeous, complex fragrance and delicate blossoms, Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) is a beautiful and fragrant flowering plant that is popular for its sweet-scented white flowers. The plant grow across warm and temperate regions of Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Africa. In various cultural traditions, a gift of jasmine flowers symbolizes love, beauty, purity, friendship and happiness. This beloved plant is easy to grow and to take care of. In this blog post, I will guide you step by step how to grow and care for Arabian Jasmine and beautify your home or garden with an abundance of fragrant flowers all summer long, so keep reading!

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Arabian Jasmine: Quick Facts

Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac
Common Name: Arabian jasmine
Family: Oleaceae
Plant Type: Scrambling evergreen shrub
Mature Size: 5-10 ft. tall, 5-10 ft. wide
Sun Exposure: Full, partial sun
Soil Type: Rich soil with lots of compost 
Soil pH: Acidic, neutral, and pH should be between 4.9 and 7.5 
Bloom Time: Late spring to late summer
Flower Color: White
Foliage: Glossy green leaves
Support: Provide a trellis or other support for the vine to climb
Hardiness Zones: 9-11, USA
Native Area: Asia

Choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight. Arabian Jasmine prefers full sun to partial shade, so a spot with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal.

Growing Location

Choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight. Arabian Jasmine prefers full sun to partial shade, so a spot with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal. Arabian Jasmine thrives in warm, sunny, and humid conditions. If you're in a climate with mild winters, you can plant it in the ground in a protected area. If you experience cold temperatures, consider growing it in containers that can be moved indoors during the winter months. If you're in a hot climate, some afternoon shade might be beneficial to protect the plant from intense sunlight. Regardless of your location, proper care and attention will help your Arabian Jasmine flourish and reward you with its delightful fragrance and charming blooms.

a gift of Arabian jasmine flowers symbolizes love, beauty, purity, friendship and happiness.

Growing Indoors as a Houseplant

Arabian Jasmine can be grown indoors as a beautiful houseplant.


  • Choose a bright spot near a window where it can receive adequate sunlight to encourage robust growth.
  • Indoor humidity might be lower, so consider using a humidity tray or misting the plant to provide the moisture it needs.
  • The plant needs to stay cool with well-circulated air. Water only when the top inch of potting mix is dry to the touch. Always keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  •  Fertilize the plant twice a year with fertilizer that is rich in potassium and phosphorus. During the growing season of spring and summer, and when flowering, use a liquid fertilizer to fed to the plant every few weeks.
  • Proper pruning will keep jasmine under control, especially at the beginning of spring. Arabian jasmine is a climbing vine, so trellis
  • Look out for mealybugs, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove and clean

Growing in Containers

If you're in a climate with cold winters, growing Arabian Jasmine in containers is a great option. This way, you can bring the plant indoors when temperatures drop.

  • Choose a large pot with good drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix.
  • Place the pot in an area with partial shade. 
  • With a watering can, water your Arabian jasmine plant weekly. To keep the soil moist and the plant hydrated.
  • Once a month, apply a potassium-rich fertilizer. Arabian Jasmine grow best in potassium-rich soil. You can buy a liquid fertilizer with a high potassium content and spray the leaves, stem, and soil monthly.to keep the plant healthy.

Planting Soil

Use well-draining soil that is slightly acidic to neutral (pH around 6.0-7.0). You can amend the soil with organic matter like compost to improve drainage and fertility.


You can plant Arabian Jasmine either in the ground or in containers. When planting in the ground, dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the plant. For container planting, ensure the pot has good drainage holes.

Bloom Time

Arabian Jasmine flower throughout the summer, and almost continuously in warm climates.

Arabian Jasmine Plant Care

Full to partial sun is needed for healthy Arabian jasmine plants.


  • Water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season (spring and summer). 
  • Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering in the winter months.
  • Plants in containers need regular watering throughout the growing season, as they have little access to water


Yellowish leaves indicate the need for fertilizer, which should be applied in spring.
During the growing season, feed the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. You can use a fertilizer that is formulated for flowering plants. 



In Autumn, apply a generous mulch of organic matter, such as well-rotted garden compost.

Pruning is the main activity when growing Arabian jasmine as it influences growth, flower-bud initiation, and the flower production. Regular pruning helps maintain the plant's shape and encourages new growth.


Pruning is the main activity when growing Arabian jasmine as it influences growth, flower-bud initiation, and the flower production. Regular pruning helps maintain the plant's shape and encourages new growth. Prune after the flowering season to shape the plant and remove any dead or diseased branches, and remove any weak or thin stems.
Pinch back the tips of the new growth to promote bushier growth.

Trellis and Support

Arabian Jasmine is a climbing vine, so providing a trellis, arbor, or support structure for it to climb will enhance its growth and appearance.

Arabian Jasmine is a climbing vine, so providing a trellis, arbor, or support structure for it to climb will enhance its growth and appearance. You can gently train the vines to grow along the support as they grow. This allows the plant to grow vertically and produce more flowers.

Protection from Wind

Strong winds can damage the delicate branches and flowers of Arabian Jasmine. If your location is windy, consider planting it in a spot where it's protected from strong gusts. Remember that Arabian Jasmine is a tropical plant and is sensitive to cold temperatures. If you're in a colder region, you might need to take extra precautions to protect it from frost or cold snaps. 


This plant is highly sensitive to cold temperatures and frost. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 40°F (4.4°C). If you live in a region with cold winters, you might need to grow Arabian Jasmine in containers, so you can bring it indoors during the colder months.

Pests and Diseases

Watch out for pests like aphids, mealybugs, and whiteflies. Keep an eye on the leaves for any signs of discoloration, wilting, or damage. If you notice any issues, treat them promptly with appropriate insecticidal soap or neem oil.


If you live in a colder climate, Arabian Jasmine can be grown as a container plant and brought indoors during the winter. Place it in a sunny window and reduce watering. Alternatively, you can also grow it indoors as a houseplant year-round.

Propagation of Arabic Jasmine 

Arabian Jasmine propagation is possible in many different ways.

But propagating from cuttings 
is the easiest and most successful reproduction method.

Propagating By Cuttings: 

  • With a clean garden pruning shears, cut a stem that is about 5 inches long. Always make a clean cut directly below a leaf.  
  • Remove the leaves on the lower half of the cutting. 
  • Dip the cut end into root hormone. 
  • Make a hole into moist soil, with a stick or a pencil.
  • Place the cutting into that hole, and firm it gently into the dirt. 
  • Place a plastic bag over the cutting to retain the moisture. Lift the bag every 10 days or so to allow airflow. 
  • In around 6 weeks, the cutting should form roots, you will notice the presence of new stems.
  • Remove the plastic bag and move to an area with bright, indirect light. As it establishes, slowly move to a sunny location. 

Air Layering

Layering is the most successful propagating that works well with jasmine in spring or early summer
  • Select a well matured, one-year-old shoots.
  • Make two clean cuts around the branch about one inch separately with a sharp knife.
  • Peel off the bark among those two cuts.
  • Make a ball of soil mixed with tree moss or soil mixed with sand & wood ash around the area where the bark has been peeled off.
  • Wrap the soil with a plastic sheet.
  • Tie the ends strongly with cotton thread, so that no water or air can enter.
  • It may take up to 8 to 10 weeks for roots to appear.
  • Cut the stem just below the bottom of the soil wrap and pot the layer.

Mound Layering

One of the easiest ways to propagate Arabian jasmine. This method can also take several months while you wait for new roots to form.

Repotting Arabian Jasmine

Arabian jasmine grows very well in containers, and does not need much care compared to other flowering plants. But with time the plant fills the container and does not have any room to grow, so you have to repot it in a bigger container that fits your plant comfortably, and keep the plant happy and enjoy it's lovely blooms.

  • Choose a bigger container.
  • Fill it with new, loamy soil.
  • Gently repot the plant without disturbing root.
  • Water the plant.
  • Place it in a bright area.

Watch Arabic Jasmine Growing Tips For Maximum Flowering Video 🌿🌼🌿

With proper care, Arabian Jasmine can reward you with its delightful fragrance and beautiful blooms.

I hope you find this useful. Please let us know your thoughts, experiences, or questions in the comments below. If you like this, you can share with your friends!

Happy gardening!
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