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Garden Soil

Soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels, are three lessons that will make you a better and more ethical gardener. It’s not enough that you know how to grow your crops. Bear in mind that the way you treat your soil is just as important.

Soil Building, Soil Amendments, Rain Barrels: What You Need to Know!

Healthy soil allows for healthier microorganisms for the plants’ growth.

Healthy soil allows for healthier microorganisms for the plants’ growth.

The soil is just as important to us as food and water. It plays key roles in the natural cycle of life, which is why we need to include soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels in our gardening/farming methods. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that. Where do we plant and harvest our fruits and vegetables? Where do our common farm animals get their daily sustenance? We don’t give much value to the soil that keeps our plant and animal life well-nourished. In an attempt to re-calibrate this perspective, we present to you a primer in soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels, and the true importance of soil to the world we live in.

1:Soil Building

There is more to soil than just dirt. It is actually an abundant source of elements and minerals that are essential to plant and animal life.
Healthy plant and animal life mean healthy people. The natural process of soil building makes sure that these standards are met. There are also several techniques that help encourage this natural process. These include composting, cover crop mulching, and planting soil-building crops such as sweet potatoes and legumes. 

A decent amount of earthworms is a sign of healthy soil. They also provide better soil ventilation for the roots to grow. 

A decent amount of earthworms is a sign of healthy soil. They also provide better soil ventilation for the roots to grow.

Microscopicorganisms that thrive in the well-built soil will enjoy a healthier habitat. These bacteria, worms, fungi, and other soil-inhabiting creatures form a mutual relationship with the planted crops. The plants become a food source for these organisms and in turn, receive protection from insect attacks and diseases.

building soil

While a common practice for farmers, tilling the soil is not recommended for soil building.

Avoiding any form of disturbance to the soil will also promote the natural process of soil building. By doing this, you retain the maximum amount of moisture and essential nutrients in the soil. As an added effect, you are also thwarting the release of carbon dioxide, which is the number one contributing compound to global warming. Letting the soil sit without much tilling and other forms of disturbance allow for a healthier, hydrated, and ventilated environment for microorganisms and crops to thrive in.
Layering soil with a cover crop, which will eventually turn into mulch, is also a great soil building technique. Furthermore, it protects your soil from weed growth, soil crusting, and eventually erosion.  

Crusted or cracked soil can cause soil erosion.

Crusted or cracked soil can cause soil erosion. You can moisten the soil by pressure washing it with water (low-pressure).

2:Soil Amendments

Soil amendments are basically anything you put into the soil to improve its health. These have two general classifications: (1) soil conditioners, and (2) fertilizers.

1:Soil Conditioners

This type of soil amendments offers added minerals and nutrients to improve the current state of the soil. Some soil conditioners can even repair soil damage. Soil needs free circulating air and water to nourish crops and make for a healthy environment for inhabiting microorganisms. Soil conditioners do a good job in compacting soil and providing enough ventilation for the flow of air and water. These take the form of compost, peat moss, and viable animal manures that are rich in nutrients and minerals.


Fertilizers, on the other hand, encourage healthy plant growth. These come with the three primary nutrients, which are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N-P-K). Secondary nutrients include magnesium, sulfur, and calcium; and trace elements may include chlorine, copper, boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc.  They may either be organic, or inorganic. 
Inorganic or chemical fertilizers are manufactured in labs and may come in granular or powder form.


Chemical fertilizers in granular form are used to nourish the soil and crops

Before choosing the right soil amendment for your garden, you must first determine the following characteristics of your soil:


Getting a soiltest kit will help you understand your soil requirements and match that to the right soil amendment that will enhance the quality of your soil. Having knowledge in soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels, and other gardening essentials will also help you in this area.
Completing our primer in soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels, we will be shedding light on a resource conservation practice– keeping rain barrels. Why are these so important, you ask? Gardening requires a ton of clean water to maintain. By saving clean water from a rainy day with the help of rain barrels, we get to perform our gardening tasks minus the guilt and a running water meter.

3:Rain Barrels

rain barrels
Rain barrels can come in glass, plastics, woods, stones, metal, and bricks; you name it. You can buy one from hardware stores or create one for yourself. Go for lightweight barrels if you intend to carry these around, and heavier ones if you want to keep them in a permanent place and simply attach a hose for a more flexible reach.
It is crucial that you get dark-colored barrels to prevent algal growth. Dark-colored rain barrels also warms the water faster, allowing it to reach ideal watering temperatures.


Soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels, are three lessons that will make you a better and more ethical gardener. It’s not enough that you know how to grow your crops. Bear in mind that the way you treat your soil is just as important. That said, we hope you enjoyed this soil building, soil amendments, rain barrels primer.

Do share with us your gardening experiences. We’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading!

Happy Organic Gardening!

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