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Transplanting Chamomile Seedlings In The Garden

There are many good reasons for adding chamomile to your your organic garden. As a garden aid, this flower is a beneficial plant that attracts many pollinators as well as predatory insects.

T(caps)here are many good reasons for adding chamomile to your your organic garden. As a garden aid, this flower is a beneficial plant that attracts many pollinators as well as predatory insects. Chamomile is an excellent companion for many plants because it repels pests. Chamomile may be cultivated from seed by transplants or by direct seeding. In this post i will guide you step by step how transplanting chamomile seedlings in the garden can be so easy so keep reading!

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Chamomile is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so it is the perfect plant for companion planting.  All your garden plants will appreciate the addition of this cheery little aromatic herb.

Chamomile is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so it is the perfect plant for companion planting. 
 All your garden plants will appreciate the addition of this cheery little aromatic herb.

Want to read: How to Grow Chamomile

🛒  Chamomile Seeds for Planting

Chamomile Varieties

There are two kinds of chamomile

Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Both varieties produce similar flowers that resemble daisies, and have similar uses and attributes. German chamomile is most commonly grown for its blossoms. Roman Chamomile for its companion planting attributes.

. Roman Chamomile

Is also known as Russian chamomile and English chamomile. It is a creeping ground cover that grows like a mat. It has small daisy like flowers with yellow centers and white petals. The leaves are feathery. It is a perennial.

. German Chamomile

German chamomile is native to Europe, North Africa, and some parts of Asia. It is closely related to the Roman chamomile, which has the same medicinal properties as German chamomile. looks similar to Roman chamomile with the differences being that German chamomile grows upright to the height of about 1 to 2 feet and is a reseeding annual.

Transplanting Chamomile Seedlings In The Garden

The best time to transplant chamomile seedlings is when the plant are small, around 5 to 10 cm high. As older seedlings do not transplant well. Also, i advice do not transplant in the active flowering phase, as you will end up with week plants!

The best time to transplant chamomile seedlings is when the plant are small, around 5 to 10 cm high. As older seedlings do not transplant well. Also, i advice do not transplant in the active flowering phase, as you will end up with week plants!

When transplanting the seedling, plant out in the early morning or evening or on an overcast day. Avoid planting at peak sun times or on windy days, this will allow your plants to settle in comfortably and protect them from windburn and sunburn.

When transplanting the seedling, plant out in the early morning or evening or on an overcast day. Avoid planting at peak sun times or on windy days, this will allow your plants to settle in comfortably and protect them from windburn and sunburn.

  • With a hand shovel dig under and around your chamomile seedlings roots, being careful to avoid damaging the roots, and carefully separate them to transplant  near your plants.
  • Dig a hole just big enough to hold the root ball easily. chamomile roots should have enough space to grow, but too much space encourages root growth and may discourage leaf and stem growth. Position your seedlings so that the top surface of the root ball is even with the surrounding soil level. 
  • Fill in the transplant hole with soil and then tamp it down gently.
  • Right after planting, give your transplants a good watering.
  • You have to water chamomile seedlings frequently until the flowers have started to grow, once the plants are established just water occasionally if the weather turns hot. Chamomile is quite drought resistant.

Chamomile Plants Care

  • Mulch with a good layer of organic mulch as mulch help the soil retain moisture. When placing mulch, be sure to leave a little space around the plants’ stems. If the mulch stays in contact with the stems, it can promote rot.
  • Check the soil every few days to determine whether you need to water. Water early in the morning so that the plants will have all day to dry out before dark. This helps prevent fungal infection and other diseases.
  • There is no need to add fertilizer through the season as chamomile is not a very heavy feeder.
  • Chamomile grows well as a companion plant for many vegetables. This amazing aromatic plant have powerful pest-control properties that's why it is recommended to be planted in vegetable gardens along with other companion plants. Besides its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits, chamomile improves the growth and flavor of many plants. 

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