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Growing And Caring For A Loquat Tree


Loquat is an evergreen small fruit tree that can grow about 25 feet tall, the fruits are so tasty when peeled and best eaten fresh from the tree, making it a excellent choice for small yards and tight spaces.

L(caps)oquat is an evergreen, small fruit tree that can grow about 25 feet tall. The fruits are so tasty when peeled and are best eaten fresh from the tree, making this tree an excellent choice for small yards and tight spaces. Loquat tree is easy to grow in many locations and is a beautiful ornamental plant, even when grown where the tree may not bear fruit. In this step-by-step guide, i will show you that growing loquat is easy and a fantastic way to add variety and color to your garden fruit tree collection, so keep reading.

Table of contents


Loquat plant history

The loquat plant, scientifically known as "Eriobotrya japonica", is a fruit-bearing tree native to China. It has a long history dating back thousands of years and holds cultural and culinary significance in various parts of the world. Here's a brief overview of the history of the loquat plant:

Origins in China: The loquat is believed to have originated in the southeastern region of China, specifically in the hills of central to southern China. It has been cultivated in this region for over a thousand years. The Chinese name for loquat is "pipa," which means "Chinese lute," referring to the shape of the fruit.

Cultivation and Spread: The cultivation of loquats spread from China to other Asian countries over time. It was introduced to Japan around the 8th century and became widely grown there. The Japanese have a deep appreciation for the fruit, and it holds cultural significance in their literature, art, and festivals.

Introduction to Europe: The loquat plant was introduced to Europe by Portuguese traders during the 18th century. It was initially cultivated in Portugal and later spread to other Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy. In these regions, loquats are known by different names, such as "níspero" in Spanish and "nespola" in Italian.

Arrival in the Americas: Loquats were brought to the Americas during the 19th century. The first introduction was in Brazil, and from there, it spread to other countries in South America, Central America, and the southern regions of the United States. In the United States, loquat trees can be found in states with mild climates, such as California, Florida, and Texas.

Today, the loquat plant continues to be grown and enjoyed in many parts of the world. Its history reflects its significance as both a tasty fruit and a cultural icon in various countries, particularly in China and Japan.

Loquat leaves

Loquat leaves are alternate, and relatively large attractive and decorative . Their long leathery leaves have a glossy, dark green surface and have white woolly hairs on the underside.

Loquat leaves are alternate, and relatively large attractive and decorative . Their long leathery leaves have a glossy, dark green surface and have white woolly hairs on the underside. The leaf veins are very prominent, and new leaves growth has a silvery-white look.

Loquat  blooms in the fall and early winter. The bloom is particularly striking because it often appears before the tree's foliage emerges. This creates a beautiful contrast between the bare branches and the clusters of white or yellow flowers.

Loquat  blooms in the fall and early winter. The bloom is particularly striking because it often appears before the tree's foliage emerges. This creates a beautiful contrast between the bare branches and the clusters of white or yellow flowers.

Loquat have white flowers and appear between September and November. They sit in small clusters on the ends of branches and give off a pleasant fragrance. Each flower have 5 fuzzy sepals, and 5 white petals. These flowers are highly scented, with a vanilla-almond fragrance.

Loquat flowers

Loquat have white flowers and appear between September and November. They sit in small clusters on the ends of branches and give off a pleasant fragrance. Each flower have 5 fuzzy sepals, and 5 white petals. These flowers are highly scented, with a vanilla-almond fragrance. In France the essential oil extracted from the flowers has been extracted for use in perfumery. 

Loquat fruits

The most interesting thing, when growing a loquat tree, is the fruits that slowly develop for the rest of the winter, and through the spring. In early summer the fruits begin to ripen. When fully mature, each fruit will be smooth-skinned and bright yellow or orange, and they are fully ripe as this is when they have the highest sugar content. The fruit is about the size of a small apricot or medium-sized plum, 3-4 cm in diameter. They are full of fiber, vitamins, so tasty and can be enjoyed raw direct harvested from the tree as i always do, or cooked to make jam or jelly. 

Planting location

When considering a planting location for your loquat plant, it's essential to understand plant sun requirements! 

Loquats should be grown in full sun to partial shade environment, and does best in zones 8-10.


When planted in a location that receives direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours per day. The tree receive maximum sunlight exposure, which is ideal for good growth. As loquat tree requires full sun, so it is important to provide it with ample sunlight to ensure proper growth, flowering, and fruiting.

Loquats trees are often grown as a shade cover for patios, and if you grow them in the right location, you may be able to get a lot of shade during the hottest portions of sun summer.


Loquats grow well in a variety of soils but prefer well-drained, fertile soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Poor drainage can cause loquat tree’s roots to struggle. If your soil is too clay-like, you may have to amend it with compost or materials that compost quickly. Spread 2 to 3 inches of organic compost or well aged manure onto your soil and work it down towards the roots of your plants for maximum nutrients and soil structure.

While there are a great many organic soil amendments, for improving clay soil, you will want to use compost or materials that compost quickly.

Organic matter improves soil structure, moisture retention, drainage, and the microbial life of the soil. An adequate amount of organic matter in the soil can help ensure that nutrients are available to plants on a steady basis and that the soil structure enhances root growth. If you have sandy soil, you can increase its water- and nutrient-holding capacities by adding organic matter and If you have heavy clay soil, adding organic matter will make it more workable.

Watch how i add composted chicken manure to my garden  video

Organic fertilizer is naturally slow-releasing. The nutrient value isn’t available to plants immediately, as the soil microorganisms need time to break down substances into forms plants can use. For this reason, it’s best to apply organic materials in advance such mulch of compost or well-rotted manure and a sprinkling of blood meal to garden beds in spring and again in fall.

Want to read : Organic Fertilizers


Loquats need regular watering, especially during their first year of growth. Provide enough water to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Reduce watering during periods of rainfall. Plants must be watered regularly and generously during the growing period. 


Loquat tree should be fertilized every one to two weeks with a high-quality liquid fertilizer for plants. If they are fertilized too little, growth slows and the leaves stay small and turn yellow. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring and late summer to promote healthy growth and fruit production.


Prune loquat trees in late winter or early spring to remove dead or damaged branches and to shape the tree. Pruning also helps improve air circulation and sunlight penetration, which can reduce the risk of diseases. To encourage branching, i recommended to pinch off the shoot tips of young plants several times between May and August. Corrective pruning can be done for big tree after harvesting in summer.

Overwintering container-grown loquat

Loquat is a strong tree. Light frosts as low as 17.5 degrees Fahrenheit do not damage the plant, therefore it often does not need to be brought inside until November and can go back outside early in the year when temperature begin to rize. A bright overwintering location is essential. You can overwinter your young loquat tree whether in a greenhouse or conservatory. 

Keep watering the plant sparingly in winter, but do not leave the root ball to dry out completely.


Loquats can be propagated, in several different ways. By seeds, stem cuttings, air layering and grafting.

 can be grafted on to either quince rootstocks or loquat rootstocks

Propagation by seeds

Starting Loquat from seeds is easy. You will need some containers with draining holes and good quality seeds starting mix.

Starting Loquat from seeds is easy. You will need some containers with draining holes and good quality seeds starting mix. 

Loquat seeds are fairly large and brown, and wont need to be stratified or scored them like some other seeds do. Simply dry them for a couple of days and they are ready for planting.

Loquat seeds are fairly large and brown, and wont need to be stratified or scored them like some other seeds do. Simply dry them for a couple of days and they are ready for planting. Another option for loquat seeds is to purchase them. 

You Can Purchase 🛒 Quality Loquat Seeds  ðŸ›’ From Amazon

Watch how to start loquat from seeds indoors video

Stem cutting

It's difficult to propagate a loquat from a stem cutting but you can certainly try with these steps!

Take a 5 inch long cutting from a healthy stem tip.

Take off the lower leaves.

Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder, shake off the excess powder and place it in a container of moistened potting soil.

Place the cutting in an environment that encourages it to produce new roots. I always use my green house when i propagate my plants, but i you don't own a green house you can place your cutting in a shaded area in the garden.

Water your new plant regularly.

When you see new growth at the tip of the loquat cutting, it's the good signe that your cutting have developed roots!

When you see new growth at the tip of the loquat cutting, it's the good signe that your cutting have developed roots!


A new plant grown from a cutting will grow faster and flower sooner than a plant grown from a seed. As it takes 4 to 5 years for a loquat tree grown from seeds to bear fruits!

Air layering

Air-layering is another method that gives good results. With this technique we force the tree to grow roots on the loquat tree's stem while it is still attached to the tree. The mother plant provides water while the shoot is developing roots so we can have higher success than with rooting cuttings.


Loquat can be grafted on to either quince rootstocks or loquat rootstocks

Transplanting a loquat tree

When transplanting a loquat tree, choose a planting location that receives direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours per day.

  • Choose a planting location that receives direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours per day.
  • Dig a hole that is wider and deeper than the root ball of the tree.
  • Place the tree in the hole, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface.
  • Fill the hole with soil, gently firming it around the roots.
  • Water well after planting.

Newly planted loquat should be thoroughly soaked with water two or three times per week for the first month. After that period, water weekly during the first growing season. Established trees  that are at least two years old only need to be watered once every two weeks during the growing season when rain is scarce.

Growing Loquats in Container

Growing a loquat tree in a container can be a rewarding experience for any gardener. But to grow it successfully, the plant needs good care and maintenance like watering, pruning, fertilizing, and mulching!

Growing a loquat tree in a container can be a rewarding experience for any gardener. But to grow it successfully, the plant needs good care and maintenance like watering, pruning, fertilizing, and mulching!

The quality of soil plays an important role as the plant gets all the necessary nutrients from the soil to grow and thrive. Loquats grow well in most soils with good drainage. But if your soil is very sandy or slightly sticky, you need to improve it by adding well-rotted compost.

The frequency of watering for a container-grown loquat tree depends on a variety of factors, such as the size of the container, the type of soil it is planted in, the climate, and the amount of sunlight the tree receives. Even if loquats are drought-resistant, they will perform better with regular moisture. Normally, the tree should be watered at least once a week. But during the summer, the plant may need to be watered up to three times a week. Always, keep an eye on the leaves of your tree. If they begin to droop, this is a sign that the tree needs to be watered.

Pruning the Loquat begins in the tree's second year. The best time to prune a loquat tree is during the late winter or early spring months, before the tree starts to bloom. Remove unhealthy branches to encourage new growth. This will improve airflow, maximize sun exposure, and minimize attacks from pests and fungal infections.

Knowing when to fertilizing loquat tree at the right time enhances its growth of the plant. Loquat trees need to be fertilized three times a year. Fall, Winter, and, Autumn. Make sure you fertilize your tree and provide adequate nutrients during the first two years of growth. Add a slow-release fertilizer around the base of the plant and cover it with compost. Water well upon every application of the fertilizer. Never use fertilizers having high nitrogen content. This will lessen the flowering and fruit as well. If your plant is growing well, it means it doesn’t need fertilizer three times a year. Then you should use fertilizer one or two times a year.

Mulching helps to stop the growth of weeds in the container, helps the soil maintain constant moisture levels, and improves fertility and soil health.

Re-pot annually to prevent plants from becoming root-bound.

Tree care

loquat trees are easy to care for once established. If you grow them in the right temperature range.

loquat trees are easy to care for once established. If you grow them in the right temperature range.

In the first year after planting a new loquat tree in the garden, it’s important to water heavily. Water 3 times a week for the first 3 weeks, then gradually reduce the watering frequency until the tree become established.

Hot weather also can be a problem for the good growth of Loquat tree. In temperatures of over 95 degrees, they may suffer leaf-scorch and may have difficulties growing. So it’s essential to provide them supplemental watering during the hot summer months to alleviate these difficulties.

Mulching around the base of your tree during the summer is beneficial, as it keeps holding the moisture in the ground where the tree makes use of it.

Pests and diseases

Loquats are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, they can occasionally be affected by aphids, scales, or fungal diseases. Monitor your tree regularly and take appropriate measures, such as using insecticidal soap or horticultural oils, to control pests or diseases if necessary.

Harvesting and storing loquats

Loquats typically ripen in late spring or early summer, depending on the variety and climate. The fruits should have a yellow to orange color and be slightly soft to the touch when ripe.

Loquats typically ripen in late spring or early summer, depending on the variety and climate. The fruits should have a yellow to orange color and be slightly soft to the touch when ripe. Harvest them carefully to avoid bruising and store them in a cool place for a few days to enhance their flavor.

Culinary uses

Throughout its history, loquats have been primarily cultivated for their delicious and juicy fruits. The fruits are typically eaten fresh, with a sweet and tangy flavor. They are also used in various culinary preparations, including jams, jellies, pies, tarts, and even alcoholic beverages.

Loquat leaf tea is believed to have soothing effects on the respiratory system and is often consumed to alleviate coughs and respiratory congestion.

Medicinal uses

In traditional Chinese medicine, different parts of the loquat plant, such as the leaves and seeds, have been used for their potential health benefits. Loquat leaf tea is believed to have soothing effects on the respiratory system and is often consumed to alleviate coughs and respiratory congestion.

Growing loquats can be a rewarding experience. But requires patience, as it may take a few years for the tree to start bearing fruits. However, with proper care and attention, you can enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor.

Growing loquats can be a rewarding experience. But requires patience, as it may take a few years for the tree to start bearing fruits. However, with proper care and attention, you can enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor. I hope this step-by-step guide will help you grow your own loquats.

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🛒 Loquat seeds for planting ðŸ›’

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