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Chamomile Companion Plant For Tomatoes


Chamomile is the perfect companion for your tomato plants. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties have been used for centuries in herbal gardening remedies, and to support the healthy growth of many plants when planted nearby.

C(caps)hamomile is the perfect companion for your tomato plants. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties have been used for centuries in herbal gardening remedies, and to support the healthy growth of many plants when planted nearby. Using chamomile as a companion plant for tomatoes is easy, effective, and will offer many benefits for you and your garden. In this article we will discus the benefits of planting chamomile as a companion plant for tomatoes, so keep reading!

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Companion planting is an excellent way to improve the health and the good growth of your tomato plants. This organic gardening technique consist of planting different crops together to improve their health and productivity. Chamomile is one of them.

In order to grow great tomato plants without deficiencies or diseases, it’s important to plant and grow them correctly. You need to give your tomato plants the best possible environment to grow by implementing companion planting in your vegetable garden. Companion planting is an excellent way to improve the health and the good growth of your tomato plants. This organic gardening technique consist of planting different crops together to improve their health and productivity. Chamomile is one of them.

Chamomile plant description

Chamomile is an aromatic herb that grows pretty, daisy-like flowers. These flowers can be dried and used to make relaxing and medicinal herbal teas, as well as a good companion plant for many vegetables.

Chamomile is an aromatic herb that grows pretty, daisy-like flowers. These flowers can be dried and used to make relaxing and medicinal herbal teas, as well as a good companion plant for many vegetables. Companion planting is one of the oldest and most natural ways to help your garden thrive. There are many good reasons for adding chamomile to your your organic garden. As a garden aid, this flower is a beneficial plant that attracts many pollinators as well as predatory insects, and repels pests.

There are many good reasons for adding chamomile to your your organic garden. As a garden aid, this flower is a beneficial plant that attracts many pollinators as well as predatory insects, and repels pests.

Chamomile varieties

There are two kinds of chamomile

Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) 
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Both varieties produce similar flowers that resemble daisies, and have similar uses and attributes. German chamomile is most commonly grown for its blossoms. Roman Chamomile for its companion planting attributes.

. Roman Chamomile

Is also known as Russian chamomile and English chamomile. It is a creeping ground cover that grows like a mat. It has small daisy like flowers with yellow centers and white petals. The leaves are feathery. It is a perennial.

🛒Roman chamomile seeds ðŸ›’

. German Chamomile

German chamomile is native to Europe, North Africa, and some parts of Asia. It is closely related to the Roman chamomile, which has the same medicinal properties as German chamomile. looks similar to Roman chamomile with the differences being that German chamomile grows upright to the height of about 1 to 2 feet and is a reseeding annual.

🛒German chamomile seeds 🛒

In addition to its many uses, chamomile is an amazing aromatic herb that may be used as an ornamental and has a pleasant perfume.

Want to read: How to Grow Chamomile

 Planting chamomile seedlings 

Chamomile may be cultivated from seeds by transplants or by direct seeding. The best time to transplant chamomile seedlings is when the plant are small, around 10 cm high. As older seedlings do not transplant well

Chamomile is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so it is the perfect plant for companion planting, and all your garden plants will appreciate the addition of this cheery little aromatic herb. Chamomile may be cultivated from seeds by transplants or by direct seeding. The best time to transplant chamomile seedlings is when the plant are small, around 10 cm high. As older seedlings do not transplant well. Also, i advice do not transplant in the active flowering phase, as you will end up with week plants! When transplanting the seedling, plant out in the early morning or evening or on an overcast day. Avoid planting at peak sun times or on windy days, this will allow your plants to settle in comfortably and protect them from windburn and sunburn.

It's really worth growing chamomile nearby tomato plants!

  • Chamomile is believed to help tomato plants grow more quickly, and it may also boost their health.
  • When chamomile blooms, the flowers attract beneficial insects, such as bees, that will assist with the pollination of nearby crops while controlling pest populations naturally. Growing chamomile near your tomato plants will help to ensure that your garden isn’t overrun by pests. As this amazing aromatic herb attracts ladybirds and wasps, which predate pests.
  • Tomato plants dont frequently attract pollinators as they are self-pollinating, meaning they have flowers that contain both the male and female parts in the same flower. The pollen falls within the flower to pollinate itself. That doesn't mean insects and wind aren't important, though when chamomile blooms, the flowers attract many beneficial insects, such as bees, that will assist with the pollination of the flowers, and as a gardener we know the importance of pollinators to our garden.
  • The strong chamomile aroma is thought to confuse pests, making it difficult for them to locate their desired destination.
  • Chamomile has natural antibacterial properties, which can act as a preventative measure against some plant diseases.
  • Chamomile can be planted near tomato plants to act as a natural mulch, keeping soil temperatures cool and controlling weeds.
  • The plant draws nutrients to the base of other plants to help them growing strong and healthy.

Not only does companion planting benefit plants, but it’s also an easy and effective way to increase yields without using chemicals or fertilizers.

Read also: Tomato companion plants

Watch chamomile the perfect companion for tomatoes video

Is it really worth growing chamomile nearby tomato plants. So plant them together for a lush oasis of beautiful blooms and plenty of tasty tomato fruits!

🛒  Chamomile Seeds For Planting  🛒

Companion planting is an excellent way to improve the health and the good growth of your tomato plants. This organic gardening technique consist of planting different crops together to improve their health and productivity. Chamomile is one of them.

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Happy Organic Gardening!

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