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Best Eggplant Companion Plants

To enjoy growing healthy eggplants, you need to give your plants the best possible environment to grow by planting companion plants near your eggplants.

I(caps)f you are looking for good plants to grow alongside your eggplants this season? There are many different options, including herbs, flowers, and other vegetables. In this article, you will know the most popular plants to pair with eggplants, so keep reading!

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Growing and picking your own organic eggplant can be very satisfying. But pests can damage your crop, or you may get a smaller harvest if your eggplants are stressed. To enjoy growing healthy eggplants, you need to give your plants the best possible environment to grow by planting companion plants near your eggplants.

Growing and picking your own organic eggplant can be very satisfying. But pests can damage your crop, or you may get a smaller harvest if your eggplants are stressed. To enjoy growing healthy eggplants, you need to give your plants the best possible environment to grow by planting companion plants near your eggplants. Companion planting is an excellent way to improve the health and the good growth of your plants.

Best Eggplant Companion Plants

Eggplant is a beautiful veggie that grows well when planting companion plants near them.

So whether you have a large or small space in your garden, you can look forward to diverse and beneficial companion plant combinations. Let’s discover the best companions to eggplant in the vegetable home garden!

What are the benefits of eggplants companion planting?

  • Pest prevention.
  • Repelling pests.
  • Soil fertilization.
  • Improving soil quality.
  • Encouraging better growth or flavor.
  • Attracting beneficial insects and pollinators.
  • Providing ground cover and suppressing weeds.
The list of eggplant companion plants is large, but these are some of the best companion plants that you can grow near your eggplants to ensure a bountiful harvest of fruits that you can use in many ways in the kitchen!

Top Herbs To Grow Near Eggplants

Most fragrant herbs such basil, borage, mint, dill, oregano, chives grow well near eggplants and deter pests from them, so they can grow well without being stressed and produce a lot of fruits!


Basil is an excellent partner for eggplants. Growing basil and eggplants together in your vegetable garden make sense, as they’re truly a perfect pairing. Basil is a favorable aromatic plant to grow near eggplants and purportedly increases not only the vigor of the fruits, but their flavor as well.

Basil is easy to grow in herb and vegetable gardens, with its fragrant leaves that add flavor to a lot of dishes. Basil as a companion also helps attract pollinators, keeps pests like thrips, flies, aphids, spider mites, and mosquitoes away, basil can also help enhance the flavor of both sweet and hot peppers. Consider planting basil throughout the garden and enjoy this universal effect.

Basil is an excellent partner for eggplants. Growing basil and eggplants together in your vegetable garden make sense, as they’re truly a perfect pairing. Basil is a favorable aromatic plant to grow near eggplants and purportedly increases not only the vigor of the fruits, but their flavor as well.


Eggplants such tomatoes are susceptible to damage from tomato and tobacco hornworms, interplanting them with basil can help reduce the numbers of these pests, too.

Planting basil and tomatoes together helps to improve the harvest size by pushing away insects that would be devastating for your tomato crop. Tomato hornworms can destroy your harvest, aphids suck the juices from the leaves, and beetles eat at the roots. Basil and tomatoes can be harvested at the same time so that you can have a considerable yield together.

Want to read:➡️ How To Grow Basil


Not only is borage a beautiful addition to your garden, it has some benefits too.  Borage is an excellent companion plant to eggplants. This aromatic herb will attract bees as well as other beneficial bugs, and provides a valuable source of nectar for them. As gardeners, we know how much important pollinators are to our garden. Borage is also known to repel tomato worms and cabbage moths as well, and when planted near your eggplants it can improve their flavor. The plant has a strong fragrance and repels most insects that might eat it. This amazing plant is also rich in nutrients like calcium and potassium, that's why borage is so useful and a must-have plant in our gardens for all its benefits!

Not only is borage a beautiful addition to your garden, it has some benefits too.  Borage is an excellent companion plant to eggplants. This aromatic herb will attract bees as well as other beneficial bugs, and provides a valuable source of nectar for them.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Borage


Dill is an amazing companion plant that offers several benefits for eggplants, and when allowed to bloom, dill is absolutely irresistible to parasitic wasps and other beneficial insects. These insects will feed on armyworms and other pests and help keep your eggplants growing well.

Dill is an amazing companion plant that offers several benefits for eggplants, and when allowed to bloom, dill is absolutely irresistible to parasitic wasps and other beneficial insects. These insects will feed on armyworms and other pests and help keep your eggplants growing well.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Dill


Oregano is so useful for both attracting beneficial insects and repelling unwanted pests. All kind of bees absolutely adore oregano flowers, and planting this aromatic herb near your eggplants will keep pests away and can increase your vegetable harvest.

Oregano is so useful for both attracting beneficial insects and repelling unwanted pests. All kind of bees absolutely adore oregano flowers, and planting this aromatic herb near your eggplants will keep pests away and can increase your vegetable harvest.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Oregano


Mints is a good companion for eggplants, when planted around them this aromatic herb reduce the numbers of flea beetles. But just remember that mint can rapidly become invasive, so take are, I advise growing mint nearby eggplants or other vegetables in containers this is the only way that you can control it!

Mints is a good companion for eggplants, when planted around them this aromatic herb reduce the numbers of flea beetles. But just remember that mint can rapidly become invasive, so take are, I advise growing mint nearby eggplants or other vegetables in containers this is the only way that you can control it!

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Oregano

 Top Flowers To Grow Near Eggplants

Flowers are one of the best eggplant companions, as they encourage pollinators to visit your eggplants, and as gardeners we know how much pollinators are important to the garden. Even though eggplants are self-pollinating, natural pollinators such bees can help the process move along more efficiently. Flowers will also help attract predatory insects to your garden, which can help control pest populations from getting out of control.


Marigolds are one of the most well-known companion plants due to their natural pest-repellent properties and ability to improve soil health. Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to eggplants plants. With their strong repulsive odor, marigolds are quite significant at keeping worms away

Marigolds are one of the most well-known companion plants due to their natural pest-repellent properties and ability to improve soil health. Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to eggplants plants. With their strong repulsive odor, marigolds are quite significant at keeping worms away.


This aromatic plant can help repel root-knot nematodes, microscopic worms that live in the soil and can damage vegetable and fruit plants. The roots of marigold produce secretions that contain flavonoids, amines, amides, phenols and ketones that have insecticidal and nematicidal effects!

Want to read:➡️ How To Grow Marigolds


Growing chamomile near your tomato plants will help to ensure that your garden isn’t overrun by pests. As this amazing aromatic herb attracts ladybirds and wasps, which predate pests.

Growing chamomile near your tomato plants will help to ensure that your garden isn’t overrun by pests. As this amazing aromatic herb attracts ladybirds and wasps, which predate pests. 

Want to read:➡️ How To Grow Chamomile


Calendula officinalis also known as pot marigold, repels whitefly from eggplants, and it also attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.

Calendula officinalis also known as pot marigold, repels whitefly from eggplants, and it also attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Calendula

 Top Vegetables To Grow Near Eggplants

Eggplant grow well when planted with other members of the nightshade family, which include peppers and tomatoes, as they share the same growing conditions. Planting multiple vegetables in one bed can enhance the growth of eggplants.

Hot pepper

When growing hot peppers nearby eggplant, they are so beneficial as their roots release acid into the soil that helps prevents root rot and Fusarium rot and wilt.

When growing hot peppers nearby eggplant, they are so beneficial as their roots release acid into the soil that helps prevents root rot and Fusarium rot and wilt.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Peppers


Tomatoes are often used as eggplant companions because they are in the same family, the nightshades, and both plants like the same growing conditions.

Tomatoes are often used as eggplant companions because they are in the same family, the nightshades, and both plants like the same growing conditions.

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Tomatoes

Beans and Legumes

To grow healthy eggplants and enjoy harvesting a lot of fruits, we have to choose plants that help benefit the eggplant by adding more nitrogen to the soil. All kind of beans, convert atmospheric nitrogen into fertilizer in the soil, and eggplant will benefit by being planted near them.

Eggplants appreciate soil with a high N percentage composed of potassium or phosphate. This is why every guide we read tells to supplement with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, commonly known as an NPK of 15-5-10. To grow healthy eggplants and enjoy harvesting a lot of fruits, we have to choose plants that help benefit the eggplant by adding more nitrogen to the soil. All kind of beans, convert atmospheric nitrogen into fertilizer in the soil, and eggplant will benefit by being planted near them. Peas and sweet peas are good neighbors for the same reason. Growing eggplants among beans protects them from the dreaded Colorado Potato Beetle, too!

Want to read: ➡️ How To Grow Dragon Tongue Beans

Watch Marigolds The Best Companion Plants For Eggplants Video

A useful book to read!

The Complete Vegetable Gardener's Bible [8 Books in 1]: Unlock the Secrets of Companion Planting, Pest Control, and Year-Round Gardening

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Now that you know that there are many different benefits from planting different crops near your eggplants.  Plant the right plants near your eggplants, and you'll have fewer pest problems to worry about. Plus, you'll keep your plants healthy and productive naturally.

Growing eggplants is easy when you let companion plants help you!

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Big selection of Eggplant Seeds ➡️ Here!
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